For inquiries, please contact TeleForms Inc.:


Phone: 204-953-2222

Fax: 204-947-0418


“Yes, it seems I change the schedule every day“.

- Administrative Assistant

“Yes, when I need to know who’s on call I need up-to-the-minute 100% accurate information”.

- Hospital Switchboard Operator

“Yes, when I’m processing payments I need to know exactly who was on call and when”.

- Payroll Clerk

“Yes, I need to maintain high standards of patient care, and that means all positions being covered at all times”.

- Hospital Administrator

© Copyright 2000-2005 TeleForms Inc. - All rights reserved

“Now I just enter schedule information over the phone. A confirmation arrives by fax a few minutes later“.

- Administrative Assistant

“I get schedules by fax on a regular basis, and whenever someone makes a change, I automatically receive an update within minutes”.

- Hospital Switchboard Operator

“Now that I receive regular reports from DOCSS™, I can make sure everyone gets paid on time”.

- Payroll Clerk

“I receive updated schedules automatically, so I know exactly where coverage is missing with enough time to fix the problem”.

- Hospital Administrator